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About Us...

Mary Aleck - Founder Of Sanibel Beauty Salon

Mary Aleck opened Sanibel Beauty Salon on March 25th, 1951. Even though all of her equipment had not arrived on the Island in time, she was determined to open on March 25th because that's Greek Independence Day. On that day, she celebrated both her Greek heritage and her Independence as a pioneering businesswoman; as unbelievable as it sounds now, she had to have her husband file papers in court saying that she was competent to own a business. (true story).

The Salon opened with two hair stations and four dryers.

Actually...The hair dryers did not arrive for opening day so clients sat outside on a sawhorse in the sun to dry their hair.

Cistern behind Shop to catch rain water

Her Legacy has been passed along to her Daughter MaryAnne Banta and her Grand Daughter Deena. Serving visitors and residents for 74 years, the full-service salon is the island's oldest, "Sanibel's first and finest" says MaryAnne Banta, owner. She's been running the business for over 50 years. 

Although we are no longer on Sanibel due to Hurricane Ian, we can still be found if you call 239-472-1111, and we will do our best to help you. 

MaryAnne Banta and her Daughter Deena.

Owners - MaryAnne and Joseph Banta

Founder Mary Aleck started her salon on this premise: "Keep Sanibel Beautiful".

We love and miss you Yia Yia...

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